How to Get CISM Certified?

How to Get CISM Certified?

Are you worried about how to get CISM certified? Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certification is an audit professional certification sponsored by the ISACA. A CISM Certification is offered to professionals who prove their exceptional skill and judgment in IS audit, control and security profession in the CISM Exam. CISM exam dumps provided by FreeTestShare cover all the questions that you will face in the real exam. Our dumps 100% cover the latest exam pattern and topics used in the Real Test. 

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1. Wh e n d eveloping s e curity processes for handling credit card data on the business unit ’ s information system, the information s e curity manager should FIRS T :

2. W h at is the MAIN r e ason f o r an o rganization to develop an incident response pla n ? A. T rigger immediate rec o very proced u res.

B. Identify training r e qui r emen t s for t h e incident response te a m. C. Prioritize treatment ba s ed on incid e nt criticalit y .

D. Provide a process for noti f ying stak e holders of the inciden t .

3. The M AIN consideration when d esigning an i ncident escalation plan should be ens u ring that: A. appropria t e stakeholders are involved

B. informati o n assets are class i fied

C. requirem e nts c o ver forensic analysis D. high-imp a ct risks have been id e ntified

4. Which of the following groups wou l d be in the BEST pos i tion to perform a risk analysis for a business?

5. An org a nization is e n tering into an agreem e nt with a new b usiness partner to cond u ct customer mailings.

What is the MOST important action t h at the information security manager n eeds to perf o rm? A. A due diligence security review of the business partner's se c urity controls

B. E n s uring that the business partner has an e f f e ctive business continuity p r ogram

C. Ensuring that the third party is contractually obligated to all relevant security requireme n ts D. T alking to other clients of the business partner to check references for performance

6. The impact of losing frame relay n etwork connectivity for 1 8-24 ho u rs should be cal c ulated using the: A. hourly billing rate charged by the carrie r .

B. v alue of t h e data transmitted over t he network.

C. aggr e gate compensation of a ll a f f e cted business users. D. financial l osses i n curred by a f fect e d business units.

7. Which of the following is MO S T important to the success of an informati o n security program? A. S e c urity' awa r eness training

B. Achievable goals and objectives

C. Senior managem e nt sponsorship

D. Adequate start-up bu d get and sta f fing

8. Which of the following practic e s is BEST to remove system a ccess for contractors and other temporary users when it is no longer re quire d ?

9. A new system has b een developed that does not comply w ith p assword-aging r ules. This noncompliance can BEST be id e ntified through:

10. Which of the following is t he BEST defense aga i nst a brute f o rce attack? A. Discretionary access control

B. Intruder detection lockout

C. T ime-of- d ay restrictions

D. Mandato r y access control


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