Free Access To HCIP Cloud Computing H13-527-ENU Sample Questions

Free Access To HCIP Cloud Computing H13-527-ENU Sample Questions

If you are preparing for H13-527-ENU exam, you should get HCIP Cloud Computing H13-527-ENU sample questions to pass in the first try. H13-527-ENU questions and answers from FreeTestShare are the greatest way to ensure your success in only one sitting. By practicing with our H13-527-ENU sample questions, you will be able to easily answer all the questions. Only a week of preparation is required to pass the HCIP Cloud Computing H13-527-ENU exam with flying colors.

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1. In the Huawei desktop cloud s y st e m s of tware deployment plan, TCM recommends se p arate deployment, mainly because there are port conflic t s with which componen t s? (Multiple choice)

2. Which componen t s o f fil e s and da t a can the Backup Server backup server back up ? ?(Multiple choice)

3. In the FusionCompute clu s ter c o nfiguration, the v irtual m a chine s t artup strategy is o nly the load balancing s t artup strateg y .

4. FusionAccess, desktop cloud involves many basic conce pt s . Match to the following basic conce pt s and their de s criptions:

5. The security mana ge ment mechanism provid e d by FusionAccess inc l u d es access securit y , user information securit y , and desktop management component securit y . Depl o y antivirus so f tware o n user virtual machines to prev e nt user virtu a l machines f r om being a t t acked by vi r uses. This b elongs to () security in t h e s e curity mechanism.

6. Which of the following descriptions about Fusio n Compute m e mory reuse i s incorrect?

7. In FusionAcce s s , if a user v irtual machine fail s , the administrator can collect the log information of the user virt u al machine thro u gh the FusionCa r e tool, and anal y ze the specific cause of t h e user virtual machine failure.

8. Which of the following descriptions of domains is wrong?

9. In FusionAccess, in ord e r to su p port more a d v anced f e at u res, w h en d e ployi n g vAG / rLB compo n en t s, it is recommend e d to use "v i rtualized" shared da t a storage.

10. In FusinAcce s s , i t is not allowed to build the DHCP ser v i c e in the virtual mach i ne de s ktop, otherw i se it will conflict with the system's DHCP service and cause the business to be unavailable.


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